Damir Horga
Damir Horgaprof. dr. sc.




Professor emeritus: Department of Phonetics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (2009-)


1984 PhD dissertation Obrada fonetskih obavijesti (Processing of the Phonetic Information)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb


Department of Phonetics

Bachelor’s and master’s degree studies: Articulatory Phonetics, Teaching of Foreign Languages, Measurement of the Speech Abilities, Phonetic Transcription, General Phonetics (obligatory courses);

­Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb:

Bachelor’s and master’s degree studies: Phonetics (obligatory course);

PhD program in Linguistics

Phonetics (obligatory course), Neurolinguistics (mandatory course)


 Principal investigator of the science project (with grant support from Croatian Ministry of Science):

  • The methodology of research of professional language in university education,
  • Pragmatics of natural languages,
  • Articulatory and neurolinguistics description of speech production and Production and perception of speech
  • Fluency of the Speech Production

Collaborator on the project

  • Children’s Speech (principal investigator Ivo Škarić)
  • Phonetic Description of Croatian (principal investigator Ivo Škarić)
  • Speech Disfluencies (principal investigator Ana Vidović Zorć)

Collaborator on the international project:

  • Phonetic Description of the Slavic Languages (principal investigator Irena Sawicka, Poland)


  • Principal investigator of four mentioned projects and the member of other project teams
  • President of several organizational or program comities of international conferences in phonetics, psycholinguistics and applied linguistics
  • Member of Croatian Philological Association,
  • President of the Croatian Association of Applied Linguistics (1997-1999)
  • Member of the Commission for Phonetics and Phonology of the Slavic Languages of the International Comity of Slavic Languages
  • Member of International phonetic association,
  • Member of International society for phonetics,
  • Editor-in-chief of jurnal Strani jezici (1992-1995)
  • Editor-in-chief of jurnal Govor (2003-2011)

CROSBI: https://www.bib.irb.hr/pretraga?operators=and|Horga,%20Damir%20%2819691%29|text|profile

RESEARCHGATE: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Damir-Horga



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