Course title:


Course code: PSL112
Course status: Obligatory
Course leader: Zrinka Jelaska
Course instructor:
Language of instruction: English
Total hours: 2L +2S
Form of instruction: Lecture, tutorials – individual sessions
ECTS credits: 2

Course content by topics:

The course provides an outline of the historical evolution of the theories of phonology and contemporary phonological theories. Basic phonological units, segmental (syllables, phonemes, phonological features); suprasegmental phonological units (accents, accent features, intonation); nature and structure of phonological representations; relation between phonology and phonetics; relation between phonology and morphology

Learning outcomes at course level:

LO1: To interpret the place of each fundamental linguistic disciplines in relation to others (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse analysis) and identify their interrelations LO3: To evaluate the relation between as well as advantages and disadvantages of traditional and contemporary schools and directions in linguistics LO5: To analyse and interpret linguistic material according to the acquired theoretical frameworks LO8: To independently produce oral and written presentations of own research work according to the norms of scientific communication

Learning outcomes at programme level:

x X x x

Reading list:

Brozović (1991) Fonologija hrvatskoga jezika, u S. Babić i sur.: Povijesni pregled, glasovi i oblici hrvatskoga književnog jezika, Zagreb, HAZU – Globus, 381-452.; Clark, J. i Yallop, C. (1995) An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (2nd edition), Oxford, Blackwell; Garde, P. (1993) Naglasak, Zagreb, Školska knjiga.; Kovačec, A. (2001) Ferdinand de Saussure i strukturalizam, u Glovacki-Bernardi, Z. Uvod u lingvistiku, Zagreb, Školska knjiga (75-155).; Jelaska, Z. 2004.

Fonološki opisi hrvatskoga jezika: Glasovi, slogovi, naglasci. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada.; Muljačić, Ž. (1972) Opća fonologija i fonologija suvremenoga talijanskog jezika, Zagreb, Školska knjiga; Trask, R. L (2005) Temeljni lingvistički pojmovi, Zagreb: Školska knjiga.; Mihaljević, M. 1991. Generativna i leksička fonologija. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.; individual choice

Assessment of student achievement: course attendance, student research and seminar paper

Quality assurance mechanism: student survey

Zrinka Jelaska
Zrinka JelaskaCourse leader
Zrinka Jelaska attended primary school in Zagreb (Croatia) and Koeln (Germany) and High school specialized in languages. She got BA degree in Croatian Language & Literature and General Phonetics, Department of Croatian Language and Department of Phonetics (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities) University of Zagreb in 1979. She attended post-graduate study in Phonetics at Uni of Zagreb and Uni of Connecticut (Storrs, USA) and MIT (auditing syntax classes by N. Chomsky) and got MA degree in 1984. She defended theses on Croatian phonology within Cognitive Phonology Framework and got Ph.D. at Uni of Zagreb in 1997. She has been awarded Fulbright Grant twice: in 1982/83 (University of Connecticut), in 1986/87 (University of Michigan, University of Stanford).