Course title:

Rhetoric of science

Course code: PSL221
Course status: Obligatory
Course leader: Gordana Varošanec-Škarić
Course instructor:
Language of instruction: English
Total hours: 8S
Form of instruction: Lecture
ECTS credits: 4

Course content by topics:

Contemporary definition of rhetorics as a discipline; Introduction to the rhetoric of science (the historical framework); Rhetorical audience; Rhetorical strategies; Rhetorical properties of a research process; Probability of scientific truth; Postmodernist features of the rhetoric of science; Models of argumentation

Learning outcomes at course level:

1) To critically evaluate scientific theories in diachronic and synchronic perspectives; 2) To distinguish the degrees of probability in relation to the main thesis of a research paper; 3) To design a research procedure taking into account the topic of research; 4) To analyse and interpret scientific discourse according to various established rhetorical models of argumentation; 5) To develop critical thinking about types of argumentation; 6) To provide explanations for research findings in an appropriate way with regard to the sample and research problems; 7) To write one’s own research paper and adapt its oral presentation to the audience;

8) To explain one’s own research in a professional manner Learning outcomes at programme level:

x x x X

Reading list:

Varošanec-Škarić, G. (2017). The Scientific Rhetoric of Nikola Tesla // New Insights into Rhetoric and Argumentation / Runjić-Stoilova, Anita ; Varošanec-Škarić, Gordana (ed.).; Split : Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 210-238.; Gross, A. G. (1990). The Rhetoric of Science. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: Harvard University Press.; Husserl, E. (1990, first edition1954). Kriza europskih znanosti i transcendentalna fenomenologija. Zagreb: Globus.;

Husserl, E. (2005). Logička istraživanja I-III. Zagreb: Naklada Breza.; Krips, H., Mcguire, J. E. i Melia, T. (eds.), (1995). Science, Reason, and Rhetoric. Pittsburgh, Konstanz: University of Pittsburgh / Universitätsverlag Konstanz.; Perelman, Ch. i Olbrechts-Tyteca, L. (2000, originally published in French 1958). The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argument. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.; Škarić, I. (2011). Argumentacija. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus.; Tesla, N. (1919). „The Moon’s Rotation“, Electrical Experimenter, April 1919; Toulmin, S. E. (2003, first edition 1958). The Uses of Argument. Cambridge University Press.; Aristotel. (1989). Retorika. Zagreb: Naprijed.; Aristotel. Organon (Topika,Dijalektika, Retorika).; van Eemeren, F. H., Grootendorst, R. i Snoeck Henkemans, F. (1996). Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory.

Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Pub.; Gadamer, H. G. (2003). Truth and Method. New York: Continuum.; Habermas, J. (2006). Budućnost ljudske prirode. Vjerovanje i znanje. Zagreb: Naklada Breza.; Heidegger, M. (1996). Kraj filozofije i zadaća mišljenja. Zagreb:

Naklada Naprijed.; Kvintilijan, M. F. (1985). Obrazovanje govornika. Sarajevo: Veselin Masleša.; Nelson, J. S., Megill, A., MacCloskey, D. N. (eds.), (1987). The Rhetoric of the Human Sciences: Language and Argument in Scholarship and Public Affairs. London, Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press.; Tindale, Ch. W. (1999). Acts of Arguing. State University of New York Press.; Toulmin, S. (2001). Return to Reason. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: Harvard University Press.; Tesla, N. (1919). „My Inventions“, Electrical Experimenter, February-June and October 1919

Assessment of student achievement: course attendance, oral presentation of an assigned scientific theory (from various fields)

Quality assurance mechanism: student survey

Prof. Gordana Varošanec-Škarić
Prof. Gordana Varošanec-ŠkarićCourse leader
Gordana Varošanec-Škarić, Ph.D. is a full (tenured) professor at the Department of Phonetics, University of Zagreb. She completed a Degree in Dramaturgy at the Academy of Theatre, Film, and Television in Zagreb and also Comparative Literature and Phonetics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. In 1993 she completed Joint Postgraduate Programme in Information Science at the University of Zagreb. In 1998 she completed her Ph.D. with a Ph.D. thesis “Acoustic features of voice pleasantness”.