Course title:


Course code: PSL111
Course status: Obligatory
Course leader: Damir Horga
Course instructor: Damir Horga
Language of instruction: English
Total hours: 2L +2S
Form of instruction: Lectures, tutorials – individual sessions

ECTS credits: 2

Course content by topics:

The definition of phonetics and its subject matter, speech, and the relations of speech and language (phonetics and linguistics) in the general communication scheme are discussed. Models of speech production, acoustic properties of speech signals and mechanisms of their perceptual analysis are presented. The course includes descriptions of three thematic areas of phonetics. In linguistic phonetics relations between sounds and phonemes, syllables and morphemes, the sound and the text as well as between inherited and acquired forms of speech behaviour are determined. The objective of the course is to provide the students with an accurate understanding of speech as people’s closest and optimal communication medium and enable them to develop an understanding of other, less natural forms of communication, compared to speech. Language, defined as a traditional system of speech signs, can be properly understood only when speech is understood. This is why general linguistics needs phonetics.

Learning outcomes at course level:

  1. To gain knowledge about phonetics and speech in relation to other linguistics disciplines.; 2. To develop the students’ ability to perceive specific properties of the speech phenomenon and develop their competence to research speech in general; 3. To introduce the students to research methods used in phonetics and develop their competencies to apply some of the fundamental, primarily acoustic, approaches to experimental research of speech.

Learning outcomes at programme level:

x x x

Reading list:

  1. Škarić, I. Hrvatski izgovor. Zagreb: Globus, 2007.; 2. Horga, D. i Liker, M. Artikulacijska

fonetika. Zagreb: Ibis, 2016.; 3. Škarić, I. Fonetika hrvatskoga književnog jezika. In: Povijesni pregled, glasovi i oblici hrvatskoga književnog jezika : nacrti za gramatiku / Stjepan Babić…[et al.]. Zagreb : Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 1991.;Additional reading : 1. The Handbook of Phonetic Sciences / edited by W.Hardcastle, John Laver. Oxford ; Cambridge, Mass. :

Blackwell Publishers , 1996.; 2. Malmberg, B.: Fonetika. Sarajevo : Svjetlost : Zavod za udžbenike

, 1974.; 3. Laver, J.: The Gift of Speech : papers in the analysis of speech and voice. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 1991.; 4. Malmberg, B.: Manual of phonetics, 2nd ed. Amsterdam : North-Holland Publishing Company , 1968.; 5. Crystal, D.: A dictionary of linguistics & phonetics. 5th ed. Blackwell Publishing , 2003.; 6. Jakobson, R.: Fonetika i fonologija. U: Lingvistika i poetika. Beograd : Nolit , 1966.

Assessment of student achievement: Course attendance. Critical review of one article published in a contemporary phonetics journal. Oral exam

Quality assurance mechanism: student survey

 Damir Horga
Damir HorgaCourse leader/instructor
Professor emeritus: Department of Phonetics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (2009-)

1984 PhD dissertation Obrada fonetskih obavijesti (Processing of the Phonetic Information)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Department of Phonetics
Bachelor’s and master’s degree studies: Articulatory Phonetics, Teaching of Foreign Languages, Measurement of the Speech Abilities, Phonetic Transcription, General Phonetics (obligatory courses);
¬Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences and the School of Medicine of the University of Zagreb:
Bachelor’s and master’s degree studies: Phonetics (obligatory course);
PhD program in Linguistics
Phonetics (obligatory course), Neurolinguistics (mandatory course)