Vlasta Erdeljac
Vlasta Erdeljacprof. dr. sc.



Full tenured professor at the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Research interests

Psycholinguistics, Linguistics, Philology.


University undergraduate study program in Linguistics:

Word recognition

Introduction to psycholinguistics

University graduate study program in Linguistics:

Mental lexicon

Psycholinguistics research methods I, II

Experimental linguistics

Postgraduate university study program of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb – Linguistics, Foreign Language Education, Croatian Language and Literature


Postgraduate university study program of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split

Psycholinguistics: Mental Lexicon

Publications and projects

2023 – Govorno-jezični markeri u  neurorazvojnim i neurodegenerativnim bolestima (engl. Speech-language markers in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases)

2022 – Definiranje specifičnih deficita leksičko-semantičke obrade u različitim stadijima psihoza i demencija (engl. Defining specific deficits in lexical-semantic processing in different stages of psychosis and dementia)

2021 – Deficiti senzomotoričkih obilježja u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi kod psihoza i demencija (engl. Sensomotoric feature deficits in the lexico-semantic processing in cases of psychosis and dementia)

2020 – Senzomotoričke norme u hrvatskom jeziku (engl. Sensomotoric norms in Croatian)

2019 – Interakcija izvršnih funkcija i semantičkog pamćenja u divergentnom mišljenju  (engl. Interaction of executive functions and semantic memory in divergent thinking)

2018 – Klinička lingvistika: psiholingvistički parametri u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi i izvršnim funkcijama kod osoba oboljelih od shizofrenije (engl. Clinical linguistics: psycholinguistic parameters in lexico-semantic processing and executive functions among schizophrenia patients)

2017 – Istraživanje leksičkog procesiranja govornika hrvatskog jezika: psiholingvistički parametri riječi (engl. Exploring the lexical processing of Croatian speakers: psycholinguistic word parameters)

Selected bibliography

  1. Erdeljac V. and Sekulić Sović M. (2019) (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Linguistic and Psychiatric Research on Language Disorders, Special Issue Proceedings Clinical Linguistics Workshop. FF-press and Klinika za psihijatriju Vrapče, Zagreb
  2. Sekulić Sović, M., Erdeljac, V., Kužina, I. (2019) Do Shared Semantic Features Facilitate Lexical-Semantic Processing in Early Course Psychosis? Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. Published online: 20 Aug 2019, DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2019.1650831.
  3. Erdeljac, V., Sekulić Sović, M., Ostojić D., Savić A. (2019) The role of the psycholinguistic characteristics of words in the assessment of language processing of patients with psychosis, ultra-high risk of psychosis, or shizophrenia, (Eds.) Erdeljac, V. and Sekulić Sović, M. In: Interdisciplinary Linguistic and Psychiatric Research on Language Disorders, Special Issue Proceedings Clinical Linguistics Workshop. FF-press and Klinika za psihijatriju Vrapče, Zagreb.
  4. Erdeljac, V., M. Sekulić Sović (2018) Uloga predočivosti u leksičko-semantičkoj obradi hiperonimije/hiponimije. Suvremena lingvistika 85, pp. 23-37.
  5. Horga, D. and V. Erdeljac (2019) Odnos govorne disfluentnosti i govornih pogrešaka, Jezik i um, Zbornik radova s međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskog društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku, Rijeka 2018, Srednja Europa, Zagreb, pp. 201-225.

Full bibliography



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